
Personalized Handwriting Skills Training

Holistic Approach in Penmanship Skills Enhancement
Skill Centric
Focused and dedicated to improving the writing prowess of students with an emphasis on fine motor skill enhancement.
Research Based
Focus on every group of students to ensure that trageted training is provided and improvisations done regularly.
Unique & Effective
We offer articulated programs that are unique and effective with regards to coherent handwriting skills.
Fun and Competative
fun and competative program that offeres a unified pattern of writing for teachers and students.
About Cursive Logics

Cursive Logics has formulated comprehensive handwriting skills development programs for students .These programs are aimed to be fun and competitive at the same time while offering a unified pattern of writing for teachers and students through our multiple skill-centric programs.


Cursive Logics offers progressive and competent penmanship courses for participating schools which benefit largely because of our state-of-the-art programs and their unparalleled execution. We encourage schools to cultivate a futuristic and functional approach to every aspect of handwriting skill enhancement of their students. Schools become better equipped to ensure that their students excel in competitive exams.

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Our programs help students assimilate the techniques and the science of writing while enjoying the art of penmanship as well. We focus on every group of students to ensure that targeted training is provided with improvisations done through timely interventions. Our programs for students focus on augmenting their writing strengths, while scientifically addressing their weakness and converting them into opportunities.

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Since every child has their own unique caliber, skills, and limitations, we aim at bringing the understanding of teachers about penmanship skills in tandem with the individualistic needs of their children. Teachers will appreciate our role in having a positive impact on the physical and mental progress of their children in school and helping them excel in competitive exams by enhancing their handwriting techniques.

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What is Speed Writing?

Speedwriting helps students to learn a new subject quickly and also improves their verbal communication skills consequently because of certain regions of the brain getting stimulated through improved fine motor dexterity.

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What is Cursive Writing?

It is a style of penmanship in which characters are written jointly in a flowing manner by using continuous strokes to form words.The essential structure of the cursive alphabets is emphasized on in Cursive Writing logic.

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The cutting-edge handwriting skills training programs

  • Skill-centric programs aimed at improving the handwriting skills.
  • Programs are designed in tandem with the curriculum.
  • Research-based educative programs that helps academic performance.
  • On-campus training for students.
  • Participating schools can vouch for our 100% satisfaction rate.
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