Five Important Facts About Handwriting Improvement

Handwriting is undeniably the base for all human communications. Even in the modern world, with digital communication taking over, a handwritten note helps in expressing a person’s state of mind and opinions more effectively. Starting from schools to aerospace research centers, handwriting is the easiest and the most enjoyed way of communicating. Here are five important facts every parent should know about handwriting improvement.

1. Handwriting Reveals A Lot About a Person’s Mental Consciousness

The conscious and subconscious traits of a person’s personality are revealed through his/her handwriting. In children, an early improvement is handwriting is directly linked to their personality and its development over time.

2. Handwriting Speed Determines the Mind Motor Coordination

It is important to improve the handwriting speed of children from a very young age through professional training as it affects the gross motor and fine motor skills, word formation, spellings, distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters, and letter creation.

3. Cursive Handwriting Training Is Not Done in an Alphabetical Order

Children are taught the English language alphabets in order. The same is not true with cursive handwriting improvement. Here, children are taught forming alphabets in groups according to their formation. The letters ‘a’, ’e’, ’o’, and ‘c’ are grouped together because of their anticlockwise circle formation, similarly, other alphabets are grouped according to their similar formation patterns.

4. Mastering the Cursive Handwriting is Gender-Based

You will be surprised to know that girls are quicker than boys in picking up the cursive handwriting technique. This is because of how their brains are wired and how fast it picks up the fundamentals of the technique. Girls have more memory retention and recall in comparison to boys. Boys also have more handwriting issues in the beginning when compared to girls.

5. Handwriting Practice Should Be Kept Distinct from Homework

Parents often confuse homework with handwriting practice. Though homework involves a considerable amount of writing, children will not be able to improve their handwriting skills since they cannot focus on the writing mechanism. Parents must dedicate extra time to make children improve their handwriting because it helps them free their mind, become more creative, and get their motor skills enhanced the right way.


It can be concluded from the facts mentioned above that handwriting improvement is a discipline that majorly impacts a child’s academic performance, personality, and creativity if given proper guidance.


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